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MATISEN team: Materials for information technology, sensing and energy conversion.

Job vacancies

De MATISEN team: Materials for information technology, sensing and energy conversion.
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A Master 2 internship on Exploration of novel Cu-based oxides for photovoltaics is to be filled for the second semester 2021/2022
Description of the internship
Contact : tfix AT unistra.fr

PhD positions

  • Each year, ICube offers several thesis topics that can be financed by a doctoral contract.

Additional information is available at Doctoral school MSII website (Mathematics, Sciences of the Information and of the Engineer) to which ICube is a host laboratory.


Contacts and useful links

  • For any spontaneous application (postdoctoral position, permanent position...): Contact

  • Useful links :
Website for competitive examinations at CNRS
Recruitment website University of Strasbourg
Recruitment website INSA Strasbourg
Guide to Research Funding