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MATISEN team: Materials for information technology, sensing and energy conversion.

Job vacancies

De MATISEN team: Materials for information technology, sensing and energy conversion.
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  • Looking to join us? (postdoctorate,faculty,...) please contact:
Abdelilah Slaoui  : abdelilah.slaoui AT unistra.fr
François Le Normand : francois.le-normand AT unistra.fr
Daniel Mathiot  : daniel.mathiot AT unistra.fr
We welcomes enquiries from prospective students, post-docs or visitors who are interested in working with us or learning more about what we do.

PhD positions

  • PhD fellowships: ICube submits each year several PhD topics that can be funded (Contrat doctoral).
Additional information is available at site de l’École Doctorale MSII (Mathématiques, Sciences de l’Information et de l’Ingénieur) in French to which ICube is a host laboratory.
Previous PhD offers


Previous Research Master internships